Food4Good’s Winter Market took place on December 6, 2017 and offered affordable produce, turkeys, eggs, and food workshops for the community. Read the whole article here!
“Winter Market spreading holiday spirit regardless of income” – Metro News

Food4Good’s Winter Market took place on December 6, 2017 and offered affordable produce, turkeys, eggs, and food workshops for the community. Read the whole article here!
At the “FRESH MEÆT” event hosted by the Edmonton Food Council, Edmonton’s NextGen Committee, and the ATB Entrepreneur Centre, 7 groups pitched their food-related business or non-profit ideas. The audience voted and Food4Good was the winner of +$1700 to go
The Jasper Place Wellness Centre received $1,700 to go towards an envisioned food wellness centre, which would focus on vulnerable residents in Jasper Place. Click here to read the whole article! Source:
Thanks to Edmonton Community Foundation and their “Well Endowed Podcast” for interviewing us! We’re on at 13:53 minutes! Source: The Well Endowed Podcast
A grassroots initiative in a west Edmonton community to make more fruits and veggies available. Source: CTV News Edmonton *If the video link does not play try disabling any ad-blockers*
The name is different, but the mission is the same: the West End Food Hub Alliance just rebranded itself with the much catchier moniker Food4Good, as part of its ongoing efforts to address food insecurity within Edmonton’s west-end neighbourhoods.
The Westend Food Hub Alliance is a new organization working to get more healthy food to people who need it. It was recently formed (with the help of a $40,000 grant from the Edmonton Community Foundation) to look at ways to
The West End Food Hub Alliance works with communities to help improve access to healthy food. Source: Edmonton Community Foundation